Clear coat and Harder

Clear coat and Harder


Clear and Hardner Arko

This product is based on acrylic resin, which has a very high gloss and stability against the sun and ultraviolet rays. The resistance of this clear against water, impact, wear and tear, gasoline secretions and other substances is very high. This clear is used as a final coating on base coat paints.

Matte polyurethane clear according to order

Weight: 0.5 liter and 1 liter

Apex Clear and Hardner

This product is produced on the basis of acrylic resin, and because of the quick drying , this product is suitable for cold weather and cold regions.

Weight: 1 liter

according to order

Polyone Clear and Hardner

This product is based on acrylic resin and is suitable for any weather conditions. High adhesion and hardness, resistance to direct sunlight, proper moisture and abrasion resistance, you get excellent glossiness and a smooth and polished surface by using this product.

Weight: 1 liter

according to order

Arko Gold Clear and Hardner

This product is based on acrylic resin, which has a very high gloss and stability against the sun light and ultraviolet rays. The resistance of this clear against water, impact, abrasion, and gasoline secretions and other substances is very high. This clear is being used as a final coating on base coat paints.

Weight: 0.5 liter and 1 liter

Contact us
Factory : East Azarbaijan - Tabriz, km 35, Azarshahr Road
Shahid Salimi Industrial Town, the third 30 meters street
Contact number : +98 41-34328191-4
Fax number : +98 41-34328195
Bize Ulaşın
Fabrika: Şehit Salimi Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Üçüncü Cenubi (30 metri) Cad.
Tebriz- Azerşehir Yolunun 35. Kilometresi, Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaleti
Telefon: +98 41-34328191-4
Belgegeçer: +98 41-34328195
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